The headscarf of Samira Ibrahim. She shares, in her own words, the story of what happened to her in Tahrir Square on the night of 8 March 2011.
"All my energy and my thought now is focused now on violations that could happen against women. I've reached a stage where, for me, it's about me being persistent. And it's about me standing alone and facing up to what happened to me. Because if I don't, this could happen to somebody else. It could happen to you, to her, to any other girls. To any other Egyptian girls."
"If any woman is violated and she files a lawsuit against her perpetrators, then this is going to eventually stop, and they're not going to put pressure on political activists by threatening to violate their wives or daughters. I'm turning the tables on them and telling them, 'what you did to me, I'm going to use against you' to prove what they've done'...I have to get my rights back"
Samira in her room at a guesthouse in Tahrir Square. Cairo, Egypt.